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Meredith Oliver, CSP
FANtastic Meetings & Events Start Here!
Meredith Oliver, CSP, is a dynamic sales, marketing, and personal transformation strategist. As the cofounder and Chief FANgelist™ of Meredith Communications, a digital marketing agency based in Raleigh, NC, she helps businesses elevate their customer engagement and drive results through innovative marketing strategies.
Meredith holds a Master’s Degree in Communication Technology and is the author of three books: Click Power, FANtastic Marketing, and FANtastic Selling.
A Certified Speaking Professional® (CSP), the highest designation awarded by the National Speakers Association, Meredith has 17 years of experience speaking at top trade shows and conferences, including the International Builders’ Show, National Auto Dealers Annual Conference, MozCon, High Five Conference, and the Volkswagen National After Sales Conference.
For more on her work, visit, follow her digital marketing insights on Twitter (@MeredithCSP), or check out her fabulous high-heel shoe collection on Instagram (@MeredithsShoes22).
FANtastic: Become Superfans of Your Fans & Unleash Unlimited Growth
REFRAME: The Power of Vulnerability to Unlock Peak Performance
FANtastic Marketing: Drive More Website Traffic, Increase Lead Generation, and Boost Sales
FANtastic Selling: The Undeniable Traits of Rock-Star, Quota-Busting, Top-Producing Sales Leaders
FANtastic Marketing: Leverage Your Fan Factor, Build a Blockbuster Brand, Score New Customers, and Wipe Out the Competition
FANtastic Selling: The 10 Undeniable Traits of Rock-Star, Top-Producing, Quota-Busting Salespeople
Click Power: The Proven System Home Builders Use To Drive More Traffic, Leads, and Sales

International Builders’ Show
American Marketing Association Leadership Conference
Volkswagen National After Sales Conference
National Automobile Dealers Annual Conference and Expo
North Carolina Auto Dealers
Smart Meetings Magazine
North Carolina Association of Realtors
American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Lennar Homes
Virginia Society of Association Executives
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